
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Pilar Pérez” ,找到相关结果约252283条。
Historiadores e Historias de Juan Calfucura
Mundo agrario , 2007,
Abstract: the purpose of this work is to question the form in that the historiography built and builds the image of the natives through the figure of one of its most important representatives: calfucura. in turn, we try to discover in that construction the consequences a posteriori for the native's communities and their history. to reach this objective we peruse the different versions of the history of calfucura focusing in two main axes: the cacique's figure and the interethnic relationships.
Llums i ombres en l'Educació Primària
Pilar Pérez
Temps d'Educació , 2000,
Modos históricos de construcción de una excepcionalidad normalizante en los márgenes del estado argentino
Pilar Pérez
Identidades , 2013,
Abstract: Modos históricos de construcción de una excepcionalidad normalizante en los márgenes del estado argentino
Historiadores e Historias de Juan Calfucura Historians and Histories of Juan Calfucura
Pilar Pérez
Mundo agrario , 2007,
Abstract: El propósito de este trabajo es cuestionar la forma en que la historiografía construyó y construye la imagen de los indígenas a través de la figura de uno de sus más importantes representantes: Calfucura. A su vez, intenta descubrir en esa construcción las consecuencias a posteriori para los pueblos originarios y su historia. Para alcanzar este objetivo recorremos las distintas versiones de la historia de Calfucura focalizando en dos ejes principales: la figura del cacique y las relaciones interétnicas. The purpose of this work is to question the form in that the historiography built and builds the image of the natives through the figure of one of its most important representatives: Calfucura. In turn, we try to discover in that construction the consequences a posteriori for the native's communities and their history. To reach this objective we peruse the different versions of the history of Calfucura focusing in two main axes: the cacique's figure and the interethnic relationships.
Jurisdicción espa ola y poligamia islámica: un matrimonio forzoso?
Pilar Juárez Pérez
Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales , 2012,
Abstract: This paper analyzes the treatment that polygamous marriage receives in the various orders of the Spanish jurisdiction. Remarkable differences can be appreciated between different orders: from its typification as a criminal offence in the criminal order to the granting of significant legal rights in the social order. This disparity has highlighted, over recent years, that the lack of legal regulation of polygamy may be a very relevant matter if it causes legal uncertainty. Our judges are forced to respond to claims that the Spanish legislator has not foreseen or regulated for, being the first affected by a legislative gap that raises important objections from the point of view of legal certainty.
Differential Response to Moderate UV-B Irradiation of Two Heterocystous Cyanobacteria Isolated from a Temperate Ricefield  [PDF]
Germán Pérez, Soledad Doldán, Omar Borsani, Pilar Irisarri
Advances in Microbiology (AiM) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/aim.2012.21006
Abstract: In cyanobacteria both photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation can be affected by UV radiation. Two of the most abundant heterocystous cyanobacteria isolates from a temperate ricefield in Uruguay belonging to Anabaena and Calothrix genus were exposed for 1 or 3 hours to UV-B dosis similar to those to which they are exposed in summer. Anabaena survival after 1 h of UV-B exposure was 10% whereas in Calothrix’s was 30%. Both the quantum yields of photosybtem II fluorescence and O2 photoevolution decreased with time of UV-B exposure for Calothrix and only till 1 h for Anabaena. Only the Calothrix strain presented phycoerithryn as antenna pigment and constitutive UV-B screening mycosporine like aminoacids. In the Anabaena strain, nitrogenase activity was drastically reduced with UV-B irradiation but in Calothrix was not affected. Proline content and lipid peroxidation increased after 3 hours of UV-B exposure only in Anabaena sp. The antioxidant enzyme activities evaluated followed different trends for both isolates, with an increase in superoxide dismutase activity in the Calothrix isolate. These results show that the two nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria studied have different responses to UV-B radiation and that cyanobacteria diversity may be considered when selecting strains to be used as biofertilizers.
Resting EEG Activity and Ovarian Hormones as Predictors of Depressive Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women without a Diagnosis of Major Depression  [PDF]
Silvia Solís-Ortiz, Elva Pérez-Luque, Maria del Pilar Pacheco-Zavala
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2012.329126
Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of depressive symptoms on resting EEG and their corre- lation with endogenous hormone levels in postmenopausal women without a diagnosis of major depress- sion. Fifty postmenopausal women aged 48 to 60 years were assessed for depressive symptoms using the Beck Depression Inventory. EEG activity was recorded during rest with eyes closed in 23 participants with minimal and 27 with moderate depressive symptoms. Relative power for delta, theta, alpha1, alpha2, beta1 and beta2 were analyzed and compared between women with minimal and moderate depressive symptoms. Hormonal levels of estrone, estradiol, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone and lu- teinizing hormone were obtained and correlated with the EEG parameters. The women with moderate de- pressive symptoms showed more relative alpha1power (p = .01) and less relative beta 2 power (p = .03). Relative theta and alpha2 power, estradiol levels and menopausal years were predictors of depressive symptoms. Progesterone was negatively correlated with the theta band (p = .005) and positively correlated with the beta2 band (p = .02) in women with moderate depressive symptoms. Estrone was negatively cor- related with the alpha2 band (p = .05), and estradiol was positively correlated with the theta band (p = .02) and negatively correlated with the beta2 band (p = .05) in women with minimal depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that slow and fast EEG relative power, menopausal status and estrogen levels pre- dict depressive symptoms and that progesterone is related with moderate depression.
Mujeres con discapacidad y su derecho a la sexualidad
Cruz Pérez, María del Pilar;
Política y cultura , 2004,
Abstract: although it is difficult to believe that disabled women have fewer possibilities to exercise their sexuality and reproductive rights than other women, society has unfortunately been slow to recognize this situation and, even though certain physical differences can impact the exercise of such practicers, with the support of trained personnel and social and professional attitudes that are free of prejudice and fear, this situation can be resolved with good results. thus, the starting point is the idea that equal rights means that needs of every individual are equally important and that resources must be allocated to guarantee every person the same level of participation.
Mujeres con discapacidad y su derecho a la sexualidad
María del Pilar Cruz Pérez
Política y cultura , 2004,
Abstract: Aunque resulte difícil pensar que efectivamente las mujeres con discapacidad tengan menos posibilidades de ejercer sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos que quienes no presenten dicha condición, por desgracia la sociedad ha tardado en reconocer esta situación, y aun cuando algunas alteraciones físicas pueden repercutir en el ejercicio de dichas prácticas, con el apoyo de personal capacitado y de actitudes sociales y profesionales libres de prejuicios y de miedos, tal situación puede resolverse con mejores resultados. Así, se parte de que la igualdad de derechos significa que las necesidades de cada persona son igual de importantes, y que los recursos han de emplearse en garantizar a todos y a todas la misma participación.
Itinerarios cubanos del exilio gallego
Cagiao Vila, Pilar,Pérez Rey, Nancy
Arbor : Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura , 2009, DOI: 10.3989/arbor.2009.i735.269
Abstract: Cuba represented a real possibility for Galitian exiles from the Civil War, largely because of previous favored relations mantained by the social networks set up by emigrants. Exiles from all walks of life arrived, either on a temporary or permanent basis, creating a further link in the historical relations enjoyed by both countries. Para los gallegos que sufrieron el exilio de la Guerra Civil, Cuba representó una posibilidad real mediatizada en buena medida por las relaciones mantenidas anteriormente con Galicia en virtud de las redes sociales establecidas por la emigración. Exiliados de la más diversa adscripción política y profesional llegaron al país, de modo temporal o definitivo, constituyendo un eslabón más en las relaciones históricas mantenidas entre ambos pueblos.

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